Tuesday, April 28, 2009

τον τίτλο αυτό είναι γραμμένο στα ελληνικά

όλα αυτά είναι τυχαία κείμενο γραμμένο στα ελληνικά. δεν υπάρχει καμία απολύτως στο σημείο χρησιμοποιώντας έναν μεταφραστή να μεταφράσει αυτό το κείμενο σε οποιαδήποτε άλλη γλώσσα, ειδικά επειδή το κείμενο αυτό έχει κανένα απολύτως νόημα και είναι στα ελληνικά, πράγμα που σημαίνει δεν χρειάζεται να γνωρίζουν τι είναι γραμμένο σε εδώ ούτως ή άλλως. είστε κώλο καπέλο, από το δρόμο.

Siht si Esiile dna I ma a naf fo doog sgniht ekil eht tac, gniruoloc dna maerc-eci.

I would also love to say that I am a complete ridiculousopolous. Surely you have absolutelyopolous NO idea what I'm talking about. Surely you don't even know who I am. Surely you keep reading this because you can't stop anymore because SURELY I am the best writer in the worldopolous.

Also I would like to mention that the vast majority of Greek names end with 'opolous'. Indeedopolous.

Also I am going to reveal the results for our amazing poll.

Do you like this blog?

Yes! - 0 votes (Now this I don't understand. Doesn't ANYONE like it?! What's wrong with you, people...)
I LOVE IT!!! - 0 votes (Well then. Now I'm just disappointed. Very, very disappointed.)
Sey - 1 vote (Jemma, I already knew you liked it!)
69 - 1 vote (WHAT??? Who the hell voted for THAT?! I mean, I do like it and all, but... this wasn't what I was asking for this time!)
Would you like to sit on my asslap, my child? - 1 vote (You are a truly weird person. Welcome to the world of Modnar which, by the road, makes my world go round.)

Who created this poll anyway? He must have been a complete retard.

Okay, I'm off to thinking of a new wonderful idea for a poll.

Ecaep tuo.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Amazing Animal Alphabet Game

Once again, boredom has got the better of me and because modnaR was screaming out my name, I figured I ought to stop ignoring it. Besides, would you ignore a screaming child?
Even if it was upside down and chewing the WRONG end of a pencil?! :O
Well, so would I actually, but that's besides the point...

So before I go and bore myself with more work, I am going to play the 'Amazing Animal Alphabet Game'!!
Try it...
Don't use the internet...
It's not as easy as it looks!
Unless you're slightly more educated than myself...

Oh, and one last thing... When you get to the letter 'U', 'unicorn' does NOT count!










(haha you thought I was going to go all the way to -5! ...SUCKER!)

A - Armadillo
B - Bear
C - Cat
D - Dolphin
E - Elephant
F - Fuck the Frog
G - Gorilla
H - Horse
I - Iguana
J - Jaguar
K - Kangaroo
L - Llama
M - Mouse
N - Nando's (Well, it WAS an animal)
O - octopus
P - Penguin
Q - Quail
R - Reindeer (My sister thinks these do not exist... "Reindeer? There's no such thing as reindeer! Aren't they to do with Santa?!" BAHAHA!)
S - Slug
T - Turtle
U - Urial
V - Vulture
W - Whale
X - Xanthareel
Y - Yak
Z -Zorse

I'll pay you 100 modnaRian dollars If you can beat that! :D